Thursday, December 10, 2009

Stir Fried Robot

I admit, I've only tried this with Merrin Robotics Model WVG-3, but I think it would be good with just about any authentic Merrin maintenance bot.

Merrin WVG-3 Maintenance Bot (or any Merrin bot)
1 cans WD-40
1 sticks cinnamon, ground (cassia variety is fine)
1 head bok choy (napa cabbage is OK, too, maybe even better)
2 carrots, grated
Hong Kong style stir fry noodles

  1. First, pull off the bot's solar panel and rip out the battery underneath. Tear off any wires that got yanked and put them in a glass bowl.
  2. Remove all the bronze plating and store it somewhere; you can sell it later
  3. De-bolt and de-wire: carefully remove all bolts with your screwdriver set, and yank out any wires you come across on the way. Put them into the glass bowl
  4. Cut all pieces of the bot into thin strips with your diamond cleaver
  5. Mix your Hong Kong style noodles into the glass bowl with the wires
  6. Heat up some WD-40 in your wok and add some of the cinnamon
  7. Put in the bot strips, cook until brown
  8. Add the bok choy and carrots; stir fry 3 minutes
  9. Turn the heat up to high and add the noodles and wires. Stir fry about 2-3 more minutes.
  10. Add some salt and more cinnamon to taste. Soy sauce could be added, too, but is optional.

Done! Serves one.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

On behalf of the lady from California

With a single post my dear friend Jordan is about to surpass my contributions to this blog for the year by about 100 words.

That's on the heels of having a pretty busy month already; she drove across a continent, saw Ben Folds perform live, visited Ikea, swam in 76 different US states, patted the dog you see to the right, and cooked this delicious sounding meal:

I made a great shrimp dish last night. A scampi of sorts, I suppose. Here's what I did:

First cut up one green and one red pepper and a half a pound of mushrooms. Sautee until about 2/3 of the way done. Remove from heat. In the same skillet as more olive oil and about 4-5 cloves of garlic (depending on size). When the garlic is 1/2 way done, throw in a pound of peeled, raw shrimp. Once the shrimp starts turning pink, add the vegetables, the juice of 1 and 1/2 lemons, a bunch of fresh chopped basil, about 1/2 cup of white wine, and some salt and pepper. Cook this until the shrimp is done. While you are doing all of this, cook some linguine. I like to serve this on a platter like this: bed of mixed greens (spinach and arugula preferable), then pasta, then shrimp mix. The greens wilt but add a fantastic bite! I also top the dish with some parmesean and leave it out for people to add their own. Enjoy!
The bottom line is, she's been busy.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Give me back my bread!

I made a loaf of bread in my breadmaker, but it refused to dislodge itself from the pan. After much violent shaking, the loaf finally thunked onto the table. The breadmaker crankle that kneads the dough was missing; it was inside the loaf.


BTW, post title should be read a la Mel Gibson in Ransom "Give me back my son"

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Rediscovery: Cinnamon Toast

Lately, I’ve been having a rather severe hankering for cinnamon (the cassia variety). Listen up: cinnamon toast is a really good quick snack. To celebrate this rediscovery, butter some toast, sprinkle on some sugar and cinnamon, and enjoy.

Friday, January 16, 2009

'Kraut 'n 'Basa

Here's a recipe for you dummies: Kielbasa and sauerkraut.

Why this? 1. It's super easy: takes just 30 minutes, and all the ingredients are ready to eat so there's little risk of you making yourself sick, dummy. Most of the ingredient quantities are 1 of something or there's no number at all, saving you the trouble of having to deal with fractions and multiples, dummy. 2. It's delicous. A difficult-to-cook meal is not always tasty, and easy-to-cook does not mean shitty tasting.

  • 1 kielbasa sausage (kind that loops around, otherwise 2 (sorry))
  • 1 pound of sauerkraut
  • 1 onion
  • 1 green pepper
  • oil
  • mustard
  • salt
  • pepper

  1. Chop up veggies (but not the sauerkraut, dummy)
  2. Chop up kielbasa
  3. Heat up a little oil in a frying pan
  4. Add the kielbasa and veggies to the frying pan and cook them for a few minutes until the veggies have softened a bit
  5. Add the sauerkraut and get everything nice and hot
  6. Add a little mustard, salt, and pepper to season to your liking
  8. CHEW IT
  10. Repeat steps 7-9 until the food is gone

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Tom Waits & The Ham Weekend

Anticipate a ham related post in the near future.

In the meantime I was playing around with TuneRooms earlier today and made a little project using some cheesy/beautiful music Licensed under a CC Share Alike by a user named critterbiscut.