That's on the heels of having a pretty busy month already; she drove across a continent, saw Ben Folds perform live, visited Ikea, swam in 76 different US states, patted the dog you see to the right, and cooked this delicious sounding meal:
The bottom line is, she's been busy.I made a great shrimp dish last night. A scampi of sorts, I suppose. Here's what I did:First cut up one green and one red pepper and a half a pound of mushrooms. Sautee until about 2/3 of the way done. Remove from heat. In the same skillet as more olive oil and about 4-5 cloves of garlic (depending on size). When the garlic is 1/2 way done, throw in a pound of peeled, raw shrimp. Once the shrimp starts turning pink, add the vegetables, the juice of 1 and 1/2 lemons, a bunch of fresh chopped basil, about 1/2 cup of white wine, and some salt and pepper. Cook this until the shrimp is done. While you are doing all of this, cook some linguine. I like to serve this on a platter like this: bed of mixed greens (spinach and arugula preferable), then pasta, then shrimp mix. The greens wilt but add a fantastic bite! I also top the dish with some parmesean and leave it out for people to add their own. Enjoy!