Friday, January 16, 2009

'Kraut 'n 'Basa

Here's a recipe for you dummies: Kielbasa and sauerkraut.

Why this? 1. It's super easy: takes just 30 minutes, and all the ingredients are ready to eat so there's little risk of you making yourself sick, dummy. Most of the ingredient quantities are 1 of something or there's no number at all, saving you the trouble of having to deal with fractions and multiples, dummy. 2. It's delicous. A difficult-to-cook meal is not always tasty, and easy-to-cook does not mean shitty tasting.

  • 1 kielbasa sausage (kind that loops around, otherwise 2 (sorry))
  • 1 pound of sauerkraut
  • 1 onion
  • 1 green pepper
  • oil
  • mustard
  • salt
  • pepper

  1. Chop up veggies (but not the sauerkraut, dummy)
  2. Chop up kielbasa
  3. Heat up a little oil in a frying pan
  4. Add the kielbasa and veggies to the frying pan and cook them for a few minutes until the veggies have softened a bit
  5. Add the sauerkraut and get everything nice and hot
  6. Add a little mustard, salt, and pepper to season to your liking
  8. CHEW IT
  10. Repeat steps 7-9 until the food is gone

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Tom Waits & The Ham Weekend

Anticipate a ham related post in the near future.

In the meantime I was playing around with TuneRooms earlier today and made a little project using some cheesy/beautiful music Licensed under a CC Share Alike by a user named critterbiscut.